Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Free trade or bust

If Obama doesn’t back off the free trade infringements I’m gonna use my head to open beer bottles from now on. It will hurt less.

Look, I’m trying to work with the guy. I’m willing to be the team player, as the Governator suggests, but hopping on the isolationism wagon isn’t going to help anyone. Ever. Following the First World War, we learned that closed doors don’t prevent problems, they exacerbate them. We went the other way following WWII, and built two capitalist powerhouse allies from the Axis powers.

Now we’re talking about institutionalizing “buy American” clauses, which is one giant leap for setting up trade blocks. Thanks Mr. President. Could you please arrange for some resource wars while we’re at it? Subsidies and tariffs weren’t enough, now we’re eying the triple crown of bad economic plans.

Worse than the trillions at stake is the damage to the world in all the intangible ways. Free trade is the only force out there consistently working for world peace. Government giveaways fatten the pockets of whatever warlord gets there first. Peace marches change nothing other than to help those walking feel better about themselves. The United Nations alters lingo so it doesn’t have to get involved in genocides, contrary to the founding principal the organization was built upon, cowards hiding behind a legal definition.

Independent investment only goes where it can make a profit, thereby not being grabbed by the corrupt or wasted on unsustainable projects. It only goes where it has a chance to take root, grow, and blossom. You know, like subsidized sugar in Florida….

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